born 14 October 1791 in Bandon, County Cork, Ireland
died on 16 February 1870, Cork, Ireland


born on 14th October 1791 in Bandon, County Cork, Ireland
died on 16th February 1870 in Cork, Ireland.
He was a son of Margaret Giles and Richard Perrott (I).

More information about the family origins of the names Perrott, Parrett, Parrot can be found in the pages of the



The "

Guide to Historic Ironwork in Cork City

" writes:
"The name of the Hive Iron Works is commonly seen on ironwork around Cork.  Rynne explains that this firm, based at Hanover Street, was set up in 1800 by Thomas Addison Barnes. The foundry manufactured machinery parts and engineering castings and later developed expertise in the production of steam engines. Just over a decade later, new partners were brought into the firm, including Richard Perrott who later went on to set up a foundry on Hanover Street in 1828. Perrott is another name that can be frequently spotted around the city. The Hive Iron Works and Perrott's Operation appear to have rnerged some time later, and eventually became the largest engineering works in Ireland outside Belfast The peak came around the year 1860, and the firm was producing a broad range of products from turbines and waterwheels to agricultural implements and structural elements such as columns and beams, as well as decorative architectural ironwork such as gates and railings. Hive Iron Works was even exporting silk-dressing machines to Australia in 1866 according to Rynne." ( "Guide to Historic Ironwork in Cork City" edited by Cork Heritage Fund)


And "

" write:
"The Hanover Shoe Company premises are shown in the background of Queen's Place. The building had originally housed the Hive Iron Works, which was the most important iron works in Cork during the nineteenth century. The Hive Iron Works was founded by Thomas Addison Barnes in 1800 but by 1819 it had been taken over by the Perrott family. The family is commemorated in the place name Perrott Avenue.
The fortunes of the factory declined during the latter part of the nineteenth century although the Hive Iron Works was still producing iron castings well into the twentieth century. By 1935 the Hanover Shoe Company had taken over the premises shown in the photograph but the Hive Iron Works continued to operate from another premises on Hanover Street.
Works cast in the Hive Iron Works may still be seen in many places around the city. The lion just visible on the top of the building was cast by Richard Perrott in 1845. The figure of a lion forms part of the Perrott family coat of arms. The lion now sits atop the new Labour Exchange."


Above: Building in Queen's Place, Cork
once used by the Hive Iron Works

Left: "Brand" of




Richard Perrott


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Family history Müller - Humphreys

When Richard Perrott and Hannah Mary Barnes got married the bride was just 15 years and 5 days old. The way parts of the family may have looked at this relationship is reflected in a remark done by

Francis Humphreys

that Richard Perrott had been seen as the "black sheep of the family, with a child bride".

On 24th December 1815 he married

Hannah Mary Barnes

as reported in the "Cork Advertiser" on Thursday 28th December 1815:

* Right:
House Hayfield, Perrott avenue, Cork, where Richard Perrott and his wife Hannah Mary lived.
Now a luxury hotel, called

Hayfield Manor


The couple had 13 children, among them

Sarah Perrott

(Robin and Katya Müller's great-great-grand-mother).

John Humphreys reports:

"In the Mormons' Familysearch database I find a reference to his tax assessment in 1827 in the townland of 'Gurthinaspig'. Townland is a uniquely Irish administrative subdivision; this one's in Cork, and Hayfield stands on its border.
Some time ago, after research in Cork City Library, I made these notes:
     He entered the Hive iron foundry in Cork and became the assistant of the proprietor Thomas Addison Barnes, who took him into partnership. Barnes appears to have come to Cork from Newcastle-on-Tyne, the home of his first wife Sarah Forster*. Richard married their daughter

Hannah Mary

in the same month as her 15th birthday (December 1815).
     Barnes died a couple of years later, leaving Richard in partial control of the company; "Richard Perrott and Sons" took overall control eventually, about 1843.
     The Hive had a maximum of three sites in Cork City (their main business was iron, but they had a brass foundry for a time) and up to 300 employees. They are mentioned in a book on Cork's labour troubles in 1870-72: the Perrott family seem to have gone out of their way to antagonise the Catholic workforce, and the workers went on strike for reasons that now seem unnecessary. On one occasion the (teetotal) management, distressed at the thought that their workers would spend the Christmas bonus on drink, simply withdrew the Christmas bonus.
*Sarah's name is quite clearly spelt 'Foster' in the family Bible, but it becomes 'Forster' when used by her descendants."









"Post Office General Directory - the County and City of Cork 1842-43"

Perrott   Richard, hive iron foundry, Hanover street, Great George's street, west, and house Hay Field *

Marriage - On Sunday morning at St. Peter's Church by the Rev. Archdeacon Thompson, Mr. Richard Perrott to Miss Barnes eldest daughter of the proprietor of the Hive Cast Iron Foundry.

Perrott, Richard, steam engine, mill & agricultural implement manufacturer, iron founder, & bar iron merchant, HIVE IRON WORKS, Great Georges st.

©   Kurt Müller 2023