born on 19  December 1800 in Cork, Ireland
died 25th November 1876 in Cork, Ireland

"Hannah Mary Barnes and her husband Richard Perrott had 12 children,  In order - Tom, Richard, George and William (all had children); Hannah Mary (married but I don't know about offspring), and she was followed by

Sarah Perrott

(later Humphreys, Robin and Katya Müller's great-great-grand- mother); then there were John, Margaret, Henry, Elizabeth, Robert Forster and Elizabeth Anne. The first Elizabeth died young and the second only lived to the age of 20. Dad's pencil notes only say "breach of promise" against John, and of the post-Sarah children only Margaret (who married William Fogerty) seems to have had a family.
Anne Humphreys married William Perrott in 1844, so their children were doubly related to the Humphreys family, through their mother and their aunt; their daughter Annie Perrott married Rev. John Quarry Connolly, whose son Rev. Jack Connolly officiated at K, Paddy and Joans' weddings.
Robert Forster Perrott's home, Cliffmahon, was where Dad and family lived before they left Ireland."


Below: page from the Barnes-Addison family bible, with the birth dates of  Hannah Mary Barnes, her parents, and her brothers and sisters

Hannah Mary Barnes

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Hannah Mary Perrott_GSaeSsExc

Hannah Mary Barnes was born on 19th December 1800 in Cork, Ireland.
She died on 25th November 1876 in Cork.
She was the daughter of Sarah Foster and Thomas Addison Barnes.


Above: Hannah Mary Barnes' birth entry in the Barnes family bible (see also further below)

Below: It is quite likely that this photograph of a miniature shows Hannah Mary Barnes, as well. This conclusion is allowed after uncluding the expertise by the formidable dress and culture historian

Jayne Shrimpton

who identifies it as mid- 19th century and writes to John Humphreys:

"... this card-mounted picture seems to be a carte de visite measuring around 10 x 6.5cms. ...the only card mount dating clue visible to me is the shape of the corners. The very first cdvs, produced from c.1860 onwards, always had square corners, but gradually rounded corners became fashionable from  mid-late 1870s onwards. This feature strongly suggests that your copy was made after the mid- late 1870s.  
The image itself is clearly significantly earlier than the card-mounted photograph and the picture quality suggests that the original portrait was a hand-crafted painting, not a photograph. The subject, a middle-aged lady, is modestly dressed in a shawl and/or a V-shaped bodice worn over an under-blouse and the matronly white frilled cap of a married woman. These dress items are typical of the 1840s and to some extent the 1850s: her curled ringlets are most characteristic of the 1840s, but older female ancestors often retained this style way beyond its fashionable life.           

(continues below)

On 24th December 1815, at the age of 15 years and 5 days, she married

Richard Perrott

(II), as reported in the "Cork Advertiser" on Thursday 28th December 1815:

Hannah Mary Perrott. Hayfield


To Mother from The Boys.   Dec 19th 1860

We know now she was right.

Hannah Mary's descendant

Linden Blake


I have with me her teapot.
On one side is engraved:

On the other side

I understand that this was her 60th birthday. Back in the 1950's I asked my Great-grandmother, (Hannah Mary Barnes' granddaughter Hannah Mary Humphreys, born in October 1860), if she could remember her Grandmother. She replied "Very well".

I myself have vague memories of events that happened when I know I was 3 years old but I would not say I remember anyone "very well" from that time.

John Humphreys reports about her children and further descendants:

Right: This miniature might possibly show Hannah Mary Barnes, the "child bride", as well, though it is more likely that this young lady belongs to the Richey ancestry.







©   Kurt Müller 2023

When copies of an earlier photograph or artwork were made at a later date, generally the subject of the picture had recently died and close family members ordered duplicates of an existing likeness as pictorial mementoes to remind them of the deceased: these were called memorial portraits and I encounter them fairly often in family picture collections. Even when the deceased was not identified (some were), these pictures can provide various clues. Here we see an ancestor who is likely to have been born somewhere around the turn of the 19th century and who, to judge from the card mount, died in at least the mid-late 1870s. ....
I agree that this lady could conceivably be the mother of the lady in No.1, as your cousin suggests."

Marriage - On Sunday morning at St. Peter's Church by the Rev. Archdeacon Thompson, Mr. Richard Perrott to Miss Barnes eldest daughter of the proprietor of the Hive Cast Iron Foundry.