
Family history Müller - Humphreys
Humphreys pedigree
India: Simla 1903 in Colour
India1894-1916 in Colour
India 1894 - 1916
India: Simla summer 1903


"Tennis picnic"

(about 1898):


"Grandmother" at left (Richey, i.e.

Anne Gellet Barber

). Bearded man standing is Joseph Richey jun. ("Uncle Joe", a medical doctor; Joan Humphreys was his god-daughter).  

Robert Humphreys

is the seated man in a striped blazer. He is leaning against the knee of his wife

Annie Morris Richey

.  The young girl and boy next to him either side are probably his niece and nephew, the twins  Rhoda and Herbert Allport (*1883). Moustached man standing is Jim Richey. "Aunt Edie" (Elizabeth Richey, Annie's elder sister) is seated in front of the big tree. The identity of the young woman next to her in the deck-chair with the flamboyant shirt is not clear, yet, like that of the woman sitting on the right. According to a notice by Rhoda Allport's granddaughter Linden Ellis, the young ladies (in the picture above) all have "leg o'mutton sleeves" which is supposed to have been fashionable until about 1900.

Picnic scene outside Cork. In the centre, left of the man with the black hat,

Anne Richey née Barber
