born 1838 in Waterford, Ireland
died December 1906
Right: Families Richey, Allport and Humphreys in the garden of the house at 26 Sundays Well (Road) in Cork about 1900; from right to left: Elizabeth Richey ("Aunt Edie"), Annie Humphreys née Richey (E.'s younger sister), their brother Jim Richey, their mother Anne Richey née Barber, Rhoda Allport, her aunt Anne Humphreys, called T'Anne (probably), her sister and Rhoda's mother Hannah Mary Allport née Humphreys (probably). Since not every identification was possible with absolute certainty, also here appplies: different opinions and/or more information very welcome!
Anne's son Joseph ("Joe")
(1863 - 1921)
Left, right, and below: Pictures of Anne Richey, née Barber, and 3 of her children all taken, at different times, but in the same setting, under a little tree in the garden of their home.
Above: "Tennis picnic" (about 1898).
First row
(sitting on the ground, from left): Herbert Allport (probably),
his uncle Robert Humphreys (Anne Barber's son-in-law),
his niece (and Herbert's sister) Rhoda Allport;
Second row
(sitting, elevated, from left): Anne Richey née Barber,
Anne Humphreys, called T'Anne (Robert's sister),
Anne R.'s daughters Elizabeth Richey ("Aunt Edie") and
Annie Morris Richey (Robert Humphreys' wife), an unknown lady.
Third row
ehind them
, standing; from left): Joseph ("Joe")
and James ("Jim") Richey, Anne R.'s sons
Anne Barber's husband
Joseph Richey
, probably in the garden of their home at
26 Sundays Well (Road) in Cork.
Anne's son
James ("Jim")
(1865 - 1942)
Family history Müller - Humphreys
Below: Anne Richey, née Barber (sitting, right) with her elder daughter Elizabeth ("Aunt Edie") and her son Jim.
(Have a look at this picture "colorized"
The Humphreys family in Cork
Daiz, Frank & his siblings
The Humphreys family in Cork
Daiz, Frank & his siblings
The Humphreys family in Cork
Daiz, Frank & his siblings
The Humphreys family in Cork
Daiz, Frank & his siblings
Cork colorized:
The Humphreys family in colour
Cork colorized:
The Humphreys family in colour
Cork colorized:
The Humphreys family in colour
Cork colorized:
The Humphreys family in colour
The Humphreys family in Cork: Humphreys, Richey, Allport & friends
The Humphreys family in Cork: Humphreys, Richey, Allport & friends
The Humphreys family in Cork: Humphreys, Richey, Allport & friends
The Humphreys family in Cork:
Cork colorized: Families Humphreys, Richey, Perrott & more
Cork colorized: Families Humphreys, Richey, Perrott & more
Cork colorized: Families Humphreys, Richey, Perrott & more
Cork colorized: Families Humphreys, Richey, Perrott & more
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The Darm
The Darm
The Darm
Above: Anne Richey née Barber about 1886
in the garden of the family home in Cork