born on 2 July 1871 in Cork, Ireland
died on 7 November 1916 in Hoshiarpur, India
Robert Humphreys
"Tennis picnic"
(about 1898):
"Grandmother" at left (Richey, i.e.
Anne Gellet Barber
). Bearded man standing is Joseph Richey jun. ("Uncle Joe", a medical doctor; Joan Humphreys was his god- daughter. “He married a woman with a guest-house”).
Robert Humphreys
is the seated man in a striped blazer. He is leaning against the knee of his wife
Annie Morris Richey
. Young girl / boy next to him are probably his niece and nephew, the twins Rhoda and Herbert Allport (*1883). Moustached man standing is Jim Richey. Aunt Edie is seated. The identity of the young woman next to her in the deck-chair with the flamboyant shirt and rather long nose is not clear yet. Possibly she is Robert Humphreys' sister Anne (later called "T'Anne" (aunt Anne) by his children. According to a notice by Rhoda Allport's granddaughter Linden Ellis, the young ladies (in the picture above) all have "leg o'mutton sleeves" which is supposed to have been fashionable until about 1900.
(Most of this information came from John Humphreys)
In his
Incomplete Humphreys Family History
(2004), John Humphreys, Robert's grandson, says:
The Indian Civil Service list (1904) 'Gradation list of covenanted civil servants on the Bombay establishment' lists him as "Humphreys, Robt., NW Provs, Oudh, Punjab and cen. provs". He served in Hoshiarpur, in the Punjab, and is buried there.
We still have a rather wonderful folded cloth, a bit like a tea-towel: on one side is a map of Hoshiarpur district, showing rivers and lakes in blue. On the other is an all-purpose series of tables listing equivalent weights and measures, but more particularly the various individuals and their ranks with the pensions or payments they were entitled to receive. I suspect it was designed to be folded into an officer's saddle- bag."
The Kaiser-i-hind ('Emperor of lndia') medal was instituted in May 1900, so Robert was part of one of the very first group of recipients, a considerable distinction. It "may be given to any person, irrespective of race, occupation, position, or sex, who shall have distinguished himself, or herself, by important or useful service in the advancement of the public interest in India."
Robert Humphreys and his family in India (in early 1909, before the birth of his youngest daughter Joan)
"Robert may well have known Daisy, his future wife, from the very first. They came from the same area of Cork and both families had Methodist connections - minority of the non-Catholic minority - though [
his daughters] Paddy and Joan had never heard of that when I asked them.
Cousin Robert says the medal was awarded for grandfather's work on drought relief, building canals, but I don't know whether it's possible to find out more about this sort of detail. Robert is listed under 'casualties' in the 1917 List, with the date 7/11/1916. He died of an illness. I am sure I saw somewhere the alarming statement that he "caught a chill", and died of it."
The Indian Civil Service list says that Robert had a BA from the Royal University of lreland, Cork, and Trinity College Cambridge, and that he passed the competitive examination into the Indian Civil Servive in 1893, beginning his first tour of duty in India in 1894. This suggests that he decided to aim for the Indian Civil Service after getting his degree. He would have had to study for the entrance examination before doing so, which I believe would have been quite demanding. We still have a book of exam papers from that sort of time. A student was to study two legal systems (British, Roman, Moslem - etc.?) and three languages. This was the ultimate multiple- choice exam paper because there was a full set of questions for each of 36 or so languages. Example:
construe the following passage into Persian
[what is now called Farsi, the language of Iran and the Parsees in India]
using the aorist tense ....
Rhoda Allport (*1883), Robert Humphreys' niece, and the grandmother of Linden Ellis
Robert Humphreys' wife
called Daisy, née Richey.
(read more in Robert Humphreys'
Family history Müller - Humphreys
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The Darm
The Darm
The Darm
Robert Humphreys * Family * Annie Richey
Pictures from his time in
Pictures from his time in
Pictures from his time in