born  in Warton, Lancashire, England
died  1735 in Warton,  Lancashire, England
©   John Humphreys & Kurt Müller 2022

William Watson

WILL of WW.final.page1.459
WILL of WW.final.page2.460
WILL of WW.final.inventory.460


July the 28th 1735 – this is an appraism[en]t made of the goods, Chattles & credits of William Watson of Dale house within Warton in the County of Lancs Housecarpenter by us whose hands are subscribed
Ffirst his money, apparel, horse, bridle & saddle.........          
Goods in the Parlour    ...................................     
Goods above stairs    ...................................
In the body stead of the house & Buttery   ..................  
Carpenters tools               ...................................       
Husbandry gear          ...................................      
3 cows, one steere, 3 yearling Heifers, 2 Calves.........       
17 sheep & thirteene lambs           ...................................        
Turfs & loose wood          ..................................       
Debts oweing to Wm Watson – Ricd Watson for rent  .....        
from Edward Mosse [?]         ...................................        


Debts oweing by the deceased W[ilia]m Watson to Ja[me]s Clark 10th


To Anne Chamley 5th upon bond 30th   
Apprisours [appraisers] Hereof
Robert Lucas
William Watson
Robert Walton [?]

The will tells us that

William had in 1735

two sons

, William and Richard (and William then had 2 children);

three daughters

[Agnes?] wife of John Bisbrowne (who had 5 children),
Mary (who had a husband) and
Elizabeth wife of Joseph Clark.
ALSO that he had

a brother

Thomas, deceased by 1735, whose widow was called Agnes, and who had left William property at “Storrs in Yealand”, probably now known as Yealand Storrs, just north of Yealand Redmayne.



Will. Watson Son of John Watson

- Baptism: 4 Aug 1655 St Oswald, Warton. Abode: Yealand Conyers.


21 Dec 1689 at Burton in Kendal.
"England Marriages, 1538-1973"
in Familysearch -

Williamus Watson


Margareta Helme

- St. James Church


(he may have had others not mentioned):

Lancashire online parish Clerks



the daughter of Will Watson was baptized 4 Dec 1692
(abode: Yealand Storrs). Agnes’ marriage to John Bisbrown, yeoman of Silverdale, is recorded on 25 February 1722 – or at least I found a marriage bond then.  

John ye son of Janet Bisbrown of Silverdale was born ye 3 of February

(1699). Burials at Warton 1743 (

John Bisbrown of Silverdale

) and 1811. Baptisms 26 Dec 1723 St Oswald,


Bisbrown - Daughter of John Bisbrown & Agnes (Abode: Silverdale); followed by John, Mary, Joseph, Will, Elizabeth and Margaret (1737).


Watson of Warton married Joseph Clarke of Burton 21 Apr 1716 at St Oswalds Warton, by licence.

Inventory of William Watson’s possessions

her husband having given them or one of them a note under my hand for a payment of the same and with the payment of twenty shillings apiece to the children of Joseph Clark and my daughter Elizabeth and also with the payment of twenty shillings apiece to the two Children of my son William Watson all of lawfull British money to be paid to them respectively at the end of twelve months next after my decease and give to my said son Richard Watson all my goods Chattells and personall estate whatsoever He paying  [thereout?] all my due debts and funeral expenses as aforesaid who I nominate constitute and appoint sole Executor of this my will & testament In witness whereof to this my last will and testament I the said William Watson the fallen[?] Have hereunto putt my hand and seal this twenty third day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty five 1735.
It is to be remembered that part of the
Tenth line was first blotted out then
Sealed signed published and declared
By the said William Watson to be his last
Will and testament in the presence of
And attested by us in his sight
The [mark?] of
Elizabeth Wilson
The mark? Of Jane Atkinson
Robert Lucas
The mark of William Watson
4 October 1735
The Executor abovenamed
Appeared personal and was sworn
Well and truly to execute and perform the
Will above and so forth before us
Will Stratford

The last Will and testament of mee William Watson of Dale house within Warton in the County of Lancaster House carpenter is as followeth and first it is my will and mind that all my just debts and funeral expenses bee duely paid by my executors herein after named and first I give and devise to my Son William Watson all that my messuage and tenement living and being at Storrs in Yealand Redman [i.e. Yealand Redmayne] which formerly did belong to my brother Thomas Watson to have & to hold the same to him and his heirs for ever he paying thereout to my Son Richard Watson the summe of Sixty pounds lawfull money alsoe I give and devise to my said Son Richard Watson [care?]
Order and appoint my Said Son William Watson to give security to Agnes widow of my said Brother Thomas Deceased for the yearly payment of five pounds which is a summe of money I have agreed will her for in liew of her widdowright in the said estate at Storrs aforesaid and to keeping my said son Ricd Watson jndemnified from the Bond I have given to her for the same. And I further order and Charge my said Son William to pay to Joseph Clark tenn pounds and to ann Chambleey five pounds which I am indebted to them severally, out of the rents and affairs of the said estate at Storrs for this year
Also I give and devise to my said Son Richard Watson one Close or inclosure of land known by the name of Longlands containing by [affirmation?] three acres & half a rood of the yearly rent of two shillings and six pence to the Lord of the same and also two other Closes called the old fields by affirmation five acres and one rood of the annual rent of three shillings and sixpence to the Lord thereof also one Inclosure or parcel of meadow ground called Gramsmar [?] by affirmation ffive roods of the yearly rent of three shillings also one other dale or parcel of meadow ground called the Broad-dale by affirmation one acre of the yearly rent of one shilling to the Lord thereof be they or any of them more or less all which hast mentioned lands and premises are situate lieing and being within Priest Hutton in the Parish of Warton in the said County of Lancaster to have and to hold the aforementioned lands and premises with all their and every of their rights liberties hereditaments & appurtenances  to him the said Richard Watson my son his heirs and assigns for ever Subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable with the several sums if money to the respect? Persons hereafter mentioned (that is to say) I charge the said lands with the payment of ffifty pounds to my daughter agnes wife of John Bisbrowne and twenty shillings apiece to her five children which are now living also with the payment of sixty pounds to my daughter Mary

Transcription and evaluation by John Humphreys (see remarks below)

proof-read by Dr Kate Sherry


Watson of Warton married Joseph Burrow of Silverdale 1 Aug 1717 at St Oswald, Warton, again by licence. Both died in 1744.


Watson had not married by the time of his father’s death (1735), but did so later.


was baptised 30th March 1698, son of Will Watson of Warton. And


was baptised 22nd March 1698, also son of Will Watson of Warton.
These are actually at opposite ends of 1698, because a year started on Lady Day (25th March) – Thomas was recorded as the first baptism of 1698; Jarvis was the last baptism of the year. Neither of them appear to have survived to 1735.


was baptised in 1706 “Margret ye dau of Will Watson & Margret his wife of Warton Baptized ye first of September”, but again is not referred to in the will; she died 4 months after her birth.
St Oswald parish register suggests other children may have died by 1735.

Thomas Watson:

Thomas Watson yeoman of "YEALAND STORES, WARTON" left probate document   dated 28 Aug 1733, according to LANCAT. The parish register record his burial July 30 1733.


(T.'s wife) seems likely to have been Agnes Bridges, who married Tho Watson 14 May 1709; both gave their abode as Yealand Storrs. Agnes Watson widow of Yealand Storrs was buried 13 Dec 1756, impossible to say if correct.
Russ McGillivray, to whom I sent this will, observes that William managed to sign it the very day before he was buried. I think this casts doubt on the exact accuracy of dates.
William made his mark; Richard, 20 years later, could sign his name.

Remarks made by John Humphreys:
