born in June 1708 in Warton, Lancashire, England
died 14. September 1755 in Warton, Lancashire, England
©   John Humphreys & Kurt Müller 2022

Richard Watson

RW will page 1.370
RW will page 2.385


RW will - inventory.388
RW will page 3.401


page 3

page 2

John Humphreys comments:
Inventories listed all a person's property, but not the major items (houses, land) that contained the property. I think an agreement existed which didn't need spelling out, that the eldest daughter (if Jervase died) would inherit their home farm and Dale House. The younger daughters were specifically to inherit a different farm at Priest Hatton, within the same parish.

Transcription by John Humphreys

(proof-read by Dr Kate Sherry)

The last will and testament of me Richard Watson of Dalehouse within the parish of Warton and the County of Lancaster followeth / To Witt /

I give bequeath and Devise all my messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments What soever together with all my Personal Estate of What kind soever to my loving Wife Mary to my brother William Watson and to my brother in law James Clarkson and to the Survivors of them and their Executors IN TRUST During the minority of my Children –

I give to my Daughters Mary Ellen Margaret and Elizabeth each and every one of them fifty pounds to be paid them as they severaly attain to the age of twenty one years out of my personal Estate as far as it will extend after payment of my just Debts and funeral Expenses and if there be any Deficiency in my said Personal Estate to pay and discharge such legacies as aforesaid then to supply such Defficiency (if any) I will and order that my Executors hereinafter named pay it out of the [series ?] of Closes hereinafter named / to wit / the two Old fields, the Dubs, with one dwelling House barne a meadow thereto adjoining Called Cans: field’ House and Meadow all standing lying and being within the liberties of Priest Hutton in the said parish and County which thereby Change and make

Chargeable with such Deficiency. And if any of the Legatees Die before they attain to the Age of twenty one Years and leave no lawful issue then I will and order that such legacy or legacys be Divided Share and Share alike amongst the surviving legaties. As to the rents issues and profits of the rest of my real Estate I give to my said wife Mary my Brother William Watson and my Brother in law James Clarkson during the minority of my son Gervas and will that they maintain and educate my Said Children out of the Same And on my Said Son Gervas attaining to the Age of twenty one Years I give and Devise all my messuages Lands tenements and Hereditaments to him his heirs and assigns for ever. But if it please God that my Said Son Gervas Die before he attain to the Age of twenty one Years and leave no lawfull issue by him to be begotten, then I Will and Order that my Eldest Daughter then living and the Heirs begotten on her body (if any) shall be Debard and Excluded from any Share or part of any of my lands lying and being within Priest Hutton afforesaid But that it descend Share and Share alike Amongst my younger Daughters and the Heirs of their Body. And lastly I nominate Constitute and appoint my said wife Mary my brother William Watson and

my Brother

in law James Clarkson Executors in trust of this my last Will and Testament Hoping they will see the same Honestly performed as my trust is in those deposed In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twenty fourth Day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and ffifty five.
Sealed Signed published and declared
By the Said Testator to be his last
Will and Testament in our presence
Who have Subscribed our names
As Witnesses to Attest the same
In his presence and at his Re:
:quest The word (profits) being
first Interlined

John Saul
George Wilson
Agnes Saul

(Richard Watson)

25 April 1757

All the Executors in this Will named
appeared personally and were Sworn well
and truly to execute the said Will, and so
forth before me
           William Johnson Sur[o]g[a]te

Klammerschweif Kopie

[Count ?]
Six Cows valued at....................                   
Five Heifers at       ...................         
Four steers at      ....................          
Six Calves at             ...................           
One Mare at             ...................                
One Colt at             ...................            
Twenty Hoggs at 3/6d p[er]........         
Sixty aged Sheep at  ...................              
To an Acre of Wheat at   .............
To 1½ Acres Barley at ..............        
To 5 Acres Oats at ...................                   
To Hay in the Mow [=meadow?]..
To Husbandry Gear   ...................                    
To Goods in the Dwelling House..
To Goods in the parlour   ............                 
To Goods above Stairs   ............             
To Goods in the Buttery & Kitchen   
To purse and Apparel   .................                    


By Funeral Expenses   .................
Total    £168 –10 –0

October the 17th 1753

A true Inventory of all the Goods or Chattels
Of the late Deceased Richard Watson of Dalehouse
Within the Township and parish of Warton in Lancaster


[All ?] within Inventory valued by [us ?] this 22nd Day October 1755

[signatures]  Henry Cr?
William Baldwin
John Walling

of Richard Watson late of Dalehouse in the parish of Warton dec[eased]

